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Vol. 7 (2022)

Conditions and consequences of the European Union’s ambitions in climate policy

  • Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse
31 March 2023


The aim of the article is to present the most important factors contributing to the growth of the EU’s ambitions in climate policy. As of now, they have been threefold: (1) scientific and media reports on the increase in global temperature and natural disasters resulting from these changes, (2) the consensus of major political forces and societies in Western European countries, along with a strong ideologization of the approach to climate policy, (3) big business interests represented by the largest member states, including Germany. Moreover, the aim of the article is to present the main consequences of the adopted climate agenda, as it could be assessed at the beginning of 2022. The final part of the article will present the consequences of EU policy for Poland, including a discussion on the tightening of the policy of Polish authorities in the EU arena.