For Authors

1. The Editorial Board accepts previously unpublished scholarly papers in linguistics. The Editorial Board does not return non-commissioned submissions.

2. By submitting their articles to the journal’s Editorial Board the authors a) state that they hold the copyright rights to the articles, that the articles are free from any defects of title and that they have not been previously published elsewhere in their entirety or in part nor have they been submitted to any other journal, and b) grant their consent, free of charge, to have their articles published in Studia Linguistica and disseminated without any limitation as to the time and territory, including by marketing copies of the journal as well as making them available on the internet free of charge and in exchange for a fee.

3. Length: article – 60 000 characters including spaces, review article – 25 000 characters including spaces.

4. Formal requirements: Authors are obliged to submit texts conforming to the requirements of Studia Linguistica, which can be downloaded in English (LINK), German (LINK), or Polish (LINK). Editorial guidelines for review articles are available in German (LINK). Along with the manuscript, the author should submit a declaration in one language version: either English (LINK), German (LINK), or Polish (LINK).

5. Manner of submission: articles should be sent in electronic form (MS Word document: DOC/DOCX or RTF) via e-mail sent to: Submissions not conforming to the required standards may not be taken into account in the selection process.

6. The authors will be informed about whether their articles have been accepted for publication in Studia Linguistica within seven weeks days via e-mails sent to the addresses provided by them.

7. Articles submitted for publication are reviewed, and the reviews are confidential and anonymous (double-blind review). A list of reviewers is published in every issue of the journal in a given year. The reviewers’ comments are sent to the author who is obliged to take into account the corrections suggested by the reviewers or to send an explanation if he or she decides not to take them into account. The Editorial Board refuses to accept an article for publication in the case of two negative reviews.

8. The Editorial Board seeks to prevent cases of ghostwriting and guest authorship, which are manifestations of scholarly dishonesty. Ghostwriting is a situation when someone has made a significant contribution to an article without revealing his or her role as one of the authors or without being mentioned in the acknowledgements. We are dealing with guest authorship when an individual’s contribution is very limited or non-existent and yet he or she is listed as the author/co-author of an article. Such practices are combatted by making open the information about the contributions of the various authors to an article (information about the author of the concept, assumptions, methods, protocol etc. used when writing the article).

9. All articles presenting results of statistical research are submitted to the statistical editor.

10. The top left-hand side corner of the title page of the submission should contain details concerning the author/authors (e-mail addresses and telephone numbers, work place, affiliation in the case of academics). What is also recommended is an ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) profile making it possible to follow the author’s work online. The ORCID number should be indicated under the author’s/authors’ details.

11. Each submission in Polish should be accompanied by a short (maximum 10 sentences) summary and title of the article in English as well as 5-6 key words in English. Texts in a language other than Polish should be accompanied by a summary in English and Polish. The summary should specify the subject matter, aims and main conclusions.

12. The publishing house reserves the right to introduce editorial changes into submitted articles.

13. Authors are obliged to make corrections to their articles within 7 days of receiving the relevant comments. A failure to make the corrections within the deadline signifies that the author agrees to have his or her article published in the form submitted for proofreading.

14. By submitting the article, the author agrees for it as well as its basic data, including its summary in English and the author’s details (name and surname, institution, e-mail address) and key words to be included in the online database Czasopisma Naukowe w Sieci (CNS) [Academic Journals on the Web].

15. Authors do not receive any fee for their articles.

16. After an article has been published, its author receives one printed copy of Studia Linguistica free of charge. All articles made available by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego in PDF format can be found on


Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wydawnictwo „Szermierz”
ISSN: 0137-1169
e-ISSN: 2957-2320


Instytut Filologii Germańskiej
Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
pl. Biskupa Nankiera 15 b
50-140 Wrocław


  • DOAJ
  • Erih Plus
  • Index Copernicus
  • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA, ProQuest)
  • The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH)