
Tom 13 (2013)

Struktura dochodów i wydatków gospodarstw domowych w świetle procesu odtwarzania zasobu siły roboczej na Ukrainie

Oleh Hrytsynyak

Strony: 13 - 22



The structure of income and expenditures of households and the recreation of the labour force in Ukraine

The analysis of the official sources and expenditures towards the reproduction of labor suggests that households mainly provide current consumption, which is the economic basis of a simple reproduction of the labor force. At the same time households costs for expanded reproduction of the labor force is insufficient. This applies particularly to education and healthcare.
To improve the situation regarding increasing of revenue sources and directions of households expenditures at the national level it is nessesary to implement the following algorithm of sequential steps:
1 reduce population differentiation in terms of its average per capita income;
2 a policy of stimulating an increase of household expenditures for expanded reproduction of the labor force;
3 enhance the educational level of the population;
4 provide activities directed at popularization of a healthy way of life, physical culture and sports.