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Tom 18 (2015)

Wpływ regulacji odpowiedzialności odszkodowawczej władzy publicznej na efektywność jej zachowań. Rozważania na tle ekonomicznej analizy prawa

  • Nina Baranowska
17 czerwca 2016


The impact of public authority liability on the effectiveness of its acts. Reflections based on the economic analysis of law
 In the article, the attempt was made to explain the problems arising from the examination of liability in the exercise of public authority from the point of view of the economic analysis of law and to assess the influence of the regulation of this liability on the effective behavior of public authority. First of all, to better clarify the problem, general assumptions of the economic analysis of law, used in the study of liability in general, were presented. On their basis, further discussion on the possibility on applying methods of the economic analysis of law to examine liability for the exercise of public authorities, the necessary modifications to the assumptions and methods used in the economic analysis of law and assessment of the suitability of its application in relation to liability for the exercise of official authority was carried out.