Artykuły naukowe

Tom 23 (2018)

System gwarantowania depozytów w Polsce — Bankowy Fundusz Gwarancyjny

Strony: 23 - 33



The deposit guarantee system in Poland — Bank Guarantee Fund

The author discusses the deposit guarantee system based on the new act from 10 June 2016 on the Bank Guarantee Fund, the deposit guarantee system and forced restructuring. It focuses on presenting the formation of this system since the nineties of the twentieth century. Next, he describes and discusses the basics of regulation, the status, goals, tasks and authorities of the Bank Guarantee Fund. Then he goes on to discuss the deposit guarantee system, funds and entities and the rules governing payouts. The next part deals with the issue of guarantee amounts and the date of their payment. Attention is also paid to the financial management of the Fund and the assistance function in relation to banks and cooperative savings and credit unions. At the end, the author discusses the practical issues of the aid granted so far and sends a hint "de lege ferenda".