Artykuły naukowe

Tom 26 (2018)

Osoba starsza jako pokrzywdzony w postępowaniu przed sądem karnym

Strony: 43 - 59



Elderly person as an aggrieved party in the criminal court proceedings

The aim of this article is to demonstrate that the special regulations concerning the situation of an elderly person as an aggrieved party in the criminal court proceedings are rudimentary and inadequate, so it is worth to have been extended. This will be done at first by drawing attention to the definition and status of the aggrieved elderly person in the criminal court proceedings, and a description of its current permissions divided on a victim without a party status and a victim with a party status. Then the whole is topped with a proposal for regulations to facilitate the use of the permissions of the elderly persons as an aggrieved party in the criminal court proceedings.