
Vol. 39 (2022)

The role of microtargeting in marketing communication in politics and in other industries

Pages: 147-164

PDF (Język Polski)


Micro-targeting is a relatively new phenomenon used in marketing activities to segment and personalize recipients. To characterize very specific and effective target groups, it is necessary to use large amounts of online data. The IT system processes data on the users’ behavior on the Internet, identifying personal, behavioral, social, and demographic characteristics. Such data make it possible to very accurately characterize the recipient in order to precisely apply this information in communication.

From the first years of this millennium, this technology has been fairly implemented into politics. This allows election staff to develop a better communication strategy with voters during the elections for a given office. Politics is constantly evolving and elections are conducted in more and more innovative ways. The question is: why is microtargeting facing a lot of reluctance on the part of ordinary citizens? It turns out that microtargeting does not only apply to politics — it can also be used in other industries, but why is it not mentioned in this context? The purpose of this article is to identify microtargeting as a form of marketing communication and to show its applicability in other industries. The work includes a literature review and secondary research based on available international reports.


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