
Vol. 39 (2022)

The healthcare system in Poland and in France: A comparative analysis

Pages: 129-146

PDF (Język Polski)


Health is one of the fundamental values in human life, regardless of their place of residence or cultural background. It is especially visible now, in the 21st century, when the value of health is increasingly emphasized. The organisation of providing healthcare services is distinct in every country. The differences arise mostly from political attitudes towards healthcare, which is related to financial resources allocated to it.

The following paper aims to compare healthcare systems in Poland and France, and to identify their strengths and weaknesses in both countries. The economic factors influencing the quality of provided services, along with the healthcare resources of respective countries will be taken into consideration. Additionally, the opinions of patients, meaning those who are most significantly affected by the healthcare quality, will be analysed. The following paper focuses on the period between 2013 and 2019, to show the state of healthcare before the COVID-19 pandemic. The sources of information were the secondary data of literature devoted to the topic of healthcare and the statistical data published by both international organisations and databases of individual countries.


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