
Vol. 47 (2024)

Application of cluster analysis to isolate EU countries with a similar structure of household savings, taking into account the COVID crisis

Pages: 65-80

PDF (Język Polski)


Savings to one of the main electronic components that constitute the source of investment. In the further part of the analysis, savings structures allow for saving methods that cover households in individual EU countries. The aim of the article is also to distinguish groups of European Union countries that are characterized by the structure of household savings before and after the COVID crisis. For this purpose, the tool of multidimensional comparative analysis was used, which is an analysis of clusters and three independent EU clusters, taking into account data before and after the COVID crisis. There are specific EU countries where savings are preserved, and households prefer: traditional saving models (placing resources in a bank), preserved for the purpose of using this function, as well as health and life protection. These results include common financial instruments that are attractive or not intended for specific groups of households.


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