
Vol. 48 (2024)

The creation of a permanent establishment of a foreign entity through the activities of a subsidiary company in Poland

Pages: 27-39

PDF (Język Polski)


The purpose of this article is to outline the situations that may create a permanent establishment of a foreign entity in Poland as a result of cooperation with a Polish taxpayer, in light of the commentary on the OECD Model Tax Convention from 2017. In particular, the article aims to assess which activities of the Polish entity in relation to the related foreign entity may go beyond a preparatory and auxiliary character. The author undertakes an examination of the impact of specific OECD comments on the current assessment of these activities, providing characteristic examples of actions that could give rise to a permanent establishment in Poland. The article also addresses the debatable issue of interpreting specific changes to the Convention, as well as its commentary, in applying the definition of a permanent establishment in double taxation avoidance agreement.


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