
Vol. 48 (2024)

Analysis of the effectiveness of TikTok as a form of marketing communication among the Z generation

Pages: 133-147

PDF (Język Polski)


The aim of this article is to examine the effectivness of TikTok as a form of marketing communications among generation Z. The article was written on the basis of secondary research, that is the analysis of statistical data and literature on the subject. For the purposes of the work, primary research was also carried out, the aim of which was to analyze the effectiveness of TikTok as a marketing communication channel among young people. The research was carried out from the end of November to mid-December 2023. The responses of 347 respondents were obtained, and the collected results made it possible to formulate conclusions. The results suggest that free forms of advertising are more effective than their paid counterparts. 72% of respondents declared that they never made purchases due to the paid format of advertising on the TikTok platform. In the case of free forms of advertising, the percentage is 51.1% of respondents. This means that free forms of advertising are 20.9% more effective than paid forms. In addition, 26.2% of respondents believe that the advertisement displayed in the application definitely did not affect their purchases.


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