
Vol. 45 (2023)

State management of communal healthcare facilities in Ukraine: An analysis of the organizational and legal support healthcare institutions. The example of a communal non-profit enterprise —

the Vyshneve City Hospital governed by the Vyshneve City Council (Bucha Raion, Kyiv Oblast)

Pages: 23-32

PDF (Українська)


This article presents an analysis of the organizational and legal support provided by the state to medical institutions using the example of the communal non-profit entity, the Vyshneve City Hospital governed by the Vyshneve City Council (Bucha Raion, Kiev Oblast) in the 2020–2022 period, and the impact it had on the development trends in state governance of communal medical facilities in Ukraine. One of the main goals of these considerations was to determine the defining characteristics and operating principles of the institution during an ongoing transformation of the field.

It was established that legislation and statues of medical facilities define the organizational-regulatory principles pertaining to communal medical facilities in Ukraine. The analysis of the functioning of communal medical facilies facilities on the basis of the Vyshneve City Hospital led the authors to conclude that said institutions cater to different age and gender demographics (men, women, children) and people of various regional backgrounds (residents of rural and urban areas). The Vyshneve City Hospital was recognized as a multidisciplinary entity, as it provides medical activities to both adults and children. However, the scope of its activities is mostly limited to urban areas.

Preventive medicine was recognized as one of the defining medical services provided by communal medical facilities. It allows diagnosing and preventing various occupational, infectious and chronic non-infectious diseases. The analysis of personnel and staff shows that the Vyshneve City Hospital is equipped to provide specialized medical care in both inpatient and outpatient settings, as well as emergency and primary medical care.


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