
Tom 17 Nr 4 (2022)

Problematyka autonomii dzieła w świetle prywatywnej teorii sztuki

Strony: 73-88



The purpose of this paper is consideration about issues of work of art’s autonomy in regard to its creator and issue of artistic freedom according to privative theory of art connected to Aristotelian-Thomistic philosophy. Presented philosophy of art emphasizes analogical feature of art, and it includes in art’s domain every intentional type of creation in unlike modern tendency to unification arts around idea of beauty whilst distancing from twentieth-century anti-essentialism. The main function of art understood in this way is replenishing privations found by man in the world. The essence of art is realization by creator his concept. From this point of view the aim of whole creation is good of work for itself which leads to recognition of autonomy and self-sufficiency of work of art.