<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>PROBLEM OF JUSTICE IN FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE'S PFILOSOPHY</strong></p><p style="text-align: justify;">In this paper author undertakes a systematic presentation and critical evaluation of Nietzsche’s view on the issue of justice. The notion of justice is used by Nietzsche in variety of contexts. For example, he claims that justice is the most important virtue. At the same time he argues that people are not able to make righteous judgment because they are determined by their emotions and impulses. In his works Nietzsche also refers to theory that justice originated through social contract. In his concept of the state he argues that the main purpose of policy is not making life endurable for all people but to support the most talented individuals in society how it is required by social justice. Unfortunately, this statement in conjunction with his conviction that people create meaning of moral values, leads to conclusion that justice becomes to be a tool to rule in the hands of some individuals. Nietzsche describes that kind of people as overmen.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"> </p>