
Tom 33 (2023)

Państwo w „epoce człowieka” — wymiar ontologiczny i epistemologiczny

Strony: 99-112



The central problem constituting the background of this text is to seek answer to the questions about the main strengths that change the state identity during the long term of its existence and evolution starting from the Holocen Age to Anthropocen. The main problem are the main changes or the driving forces that facilitate the potential of adaption to the real world. Among the effects of driving forces that facilitate the potential of adaptation to the real world which is changing in the long term.

It is my main thesis that central position in the processes of evolution and adaptation to the developing world was played by the human being. It means that the main idea of this text is to discuss human abilities to change our living space, forces changing the space, the social structure, and civilizational achievements.

The problem addressed in this article is directly related to the relationship between phenomena and occurrences which have been taking place in the real world for generation and which are substantial to the state and its ontological context.


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