
Tom 11 (2010)

Jednoczące znaczenie przywódcy

Violetta Aumer


The Merged universal Definition of a Leader

    Amongst different definitions with which the picture of a leader is associated, there also appear ones that provide a key aspect in the process of unifying people into a greater whole. The concept of the aspect is essential, since it unveils the nature of its character as one
of the primary elements which has an effect on the development of collective consciousness. The present solutions we will concentrate on are the extraction of the significance of a leader one who evinces and is a symbolic representation of certain collective envisions, feelings, needs and wants, which, when experienced between people, strengthens the bonds throughout the whole unit.
    These issues will be explained in the perspective theory of the psychology of depth, especially the trends that concentrate on investigating the occurrence of the collective unconsciousness ignorance. Also, I will appeal to A. Mindell’s concept of deep democracy and its indigenous role of a leader being the facilitator of social processes. Supplementation of these phenomenological trends will be provided by D. Goleman’s approach from the point of view of emotional intelligence, whose roots lie in neurophysiology