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Kontekst analityczny

Tom 9 (2018): Metodologie i praktyki badawcze

Badanie komunikacji partii politycznych na podstawie fotografii publikowanych w Internecie

  • Wojciech Jastrzębski
17 kwietnia 2019


Study of political parties’ communication based on photographs published online

This article contains a description of an empirical study the aim of which was to analyze the photographs published online by two Polish political parties: Razem and Wolność KORWiN. A corpus containing 253 images and photos published by the two parties in the forth quarter of 2016 was constructed and a quantitative analysis was performed afterwards. Documentary and portrait photos, which appeared most frequently in the corpora were carefully analyzed on the basis of such factors as: the frequency at which particular persons appeared in the photos, the clothes they were wearing, the type of events depicted in the pictures and the kinds of objects which were shown most often.