
Bd. 136 (2012)

Geschlechterdifferenzen in Produktnamen für Kosmetika

Barbara Baj

Seiten: 57 - 71

PDF (Język Polski)


Gender differences in the trade names of cosmetics

The role of trade names is basically to inform, to cause associations and to influence their customers. They communicate certain values, different views of life or stereotypical meanings. Especially creative producers of cosmetic products must keep in mind the aspirations for the exotic, beauty and uniqueness. In this way, they are determined to accentuate some stereotype gender disparities. This makes trade names of cosmetics a rich source of knowledge about ideal women and ideal men. The aim of this paper is an analysis of the semantic structure of trade names of cosmetics. It will be shown that the uncovering of their meaning informs us about gender differences.

Citation rules

Baj, B. (2012). Geschlechterdifferenzen in Produktnamen für Kosmetika. Germanica Wratislaviensia, 136, 57–71. Abgerufen von https://wuwr.pl/gwr/article/view/2102