
Vol. 147 (2022)

Post- and neo-communicative foreign language didactics with particular emphasis on the Polish context

Pages: 81-98

PDF (Deutsch)


In the 1990s, in Germany and other European countries, the term “neo- or post-communicative didactics of foreign languages” was adopted to describe a stage in the development of didactics, in which it renounces the previously popular search for an ideal method and reaches a consensus as to the inability to find one method suitable for all learners. Neo-communicative didactics draw on the achievements of the communicative approach, modifying and enriching it with new concepts. In the Polish educational context, defining didactics as “neo- and/or post-communicative” enjoys little popularity, but some researchers use these terms. The following article attempts to present the concept of neo- and/or post-communicative didactics of foreign languages in the Polish educational space.

Citation rules

Białek, M. (2022). Post- and neo-communicative foreign language didactics with particular emphasis on the Polish context. Germanica Wratislaviensia, 147, 81–98.