
Vol. 139 (2014)

Heimatkalender des Beskidenkreises Saybusch (1941) im Dienst der nationalsozialistischen Propaganda

Jan Iluk

Pages: 165 - 181

PDF (Język Polski)


The regional calendar Heimatkalender of Beskidy County Saybusch as a tool of the Nazi propaganda

The article presents the analysis of the content of the regional calendar of Beskidy County that was issued in 1941 by the German invader for Volksdeutsche who were brought in 1941 from the Eastern Galicia and Bukovina Bessarabia to the territory of Żywiec Saybusch County within the Action Saybusch Aktion Saybusch. The calendar, published as a 375-page book, was an important element of the Nazi blood and soil Blut und Boden propaganda. It promoted environmental values of the region, demagogically advocated and legitimized its Germanization, and turned the settlers against the Polish nation.

Citation rules

Iluk, J. (2014). Heimatkalender des Beskidenkreises Saybusch (1941) im Dienst der nationalsozialistischen Propaganda. Germanica Wratislaviensia, 139, 165–181. Retrieved from