Literary studies

Vol. 145 (2020)

Arnold Zweig and Katowice: Investigation of a local site of memory

Pages: 29-43

PDF (Język Polski)


The article presents Arnold Zweig as a site of memory of the city of Katowice in three steps. First, an overview of the writer’s youth in the city is presented. Then the traces of the city in Zweig’s work are pointed out. The history of the site of memory is then outlined. It is shown how in Katowice people remembered Zweig in the years 1926–1939, how he was almost forgotten in the years 1945–1989 and how one tries to integrate Zweig’s biography into the history of the city after 1989.

Citation rules

Rduch, R. (2021). Arnold Zweig and Katowice: Investigation of a local site of memory. Germanica Wratislaviensia, 145, 29–43.