Information for Authors

1. The original version of the journal is the print version.

2. Submissions in an electronic version stored on data media should be sent to Anna Gemra, Instytut Filologii Polskiej, pl. Nankiera 15 b, 50-140 Wrocław, Poland, with the notation „Literatura i Kultura Popularna” or by e-mail to or with the e-mail subject line: „Literatura i Kultura Popularna” or “Popular Literature and Culture”.

3. Submissions to be included in a particular year’s volume should be sent by the 30th of June of the previous year at the latest.

4. The Editors do not return unsolicited manuscripts.

5. Detailed editorial guidelines: submissions must be prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the Wroclaw University Press – see, the tab “Dla autorów”, then the tabs „Wskazówki techniczne” and „Bibliografia i przypisy”. Guidelines in English available on demand ( or

6. Submissions that do not conform to the above requirements will be returned to the Authors with a request to amend them within 14 days. Failure to prepare submission in accordance with the editorial guidelines is tantamount to the withdrawal from the review and publishing procedures.

7. We also accept submissions in languages other than Polish.

8. Regardless of the language of submission, it should be accompanied by a title, summary, key words and affiliation in English (up to 600 signs including spaces)

9. Texts must be submitted as Word or RTF files. The maximum length is:

a) articles — 25 000 signs including spaces;

b) reviews — 5400 signs including spaces.

Texts exceeding the above limits will need a special permission from the Editors to be accepted.

10. All articles published in „Literatura i Kultura Popularna” undergo double-blind review. Detailed information about the review procedures can be found in the tabs: „Reviewers” and „For Authors”.

11. The journal applies anti-ghostwriting and anti-quest authorship procedures.

12. Sending a text to the Editorial Office by the Author is tantamount to a declaration that the Author holds exclusive rights to use and dispose of the text, the text is free of any legal defects, the text (or any part of it) has not been published previously or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Author also gratuitously and free of any charge grants his/her permission to the journal for the publication of the text in „Literatura i Kultura Popularna” as well as its distribution, not limited territorially or in time, including placing in the market copies of the magazine or sharing them in the Internet both for fee and free of charge.

13. The Authors are solely responsible for any acts of academic misconduct (plagiarism, inappropriate quoting, ghostwriting, guest authorship).

14. A text will be accepted for publication only if it has received positive reviews. The Authors are obliged to comply with the Reviewers’ suggestions.

15. The Authors are obliged to complete all corrections within 14 days of receiving the proof. Failure to return the proof in the time specified above is tantamount to the Author’s consent to publish the text in the form of the initial proof. The Author’s amendments must not introduce any substantial changes to the original text.

16. The Publisher reserves the right to make editorial corrections of submitted texts.

17. After the publication of the article, the Author will receive one copy of the journal „Literatura i Kultura Popularna” free of charge.

18. The Authors do not receive any royalties for their articles.

19. Detailed information for the Authors: and

20. Postal address of the Editorial Office: „Literatura i Kultura Popularna”, Instytut Filologii Polskiej, pl. Nankiera 15 b, 50-140 Wrocław, Poland




                                                                                                                     place, date


academic degree/title, first name and surname

mailing address

telephone number






I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I am the author/co-author* of the article entitled:



and I am the owner of the author’s economic rights both to the text and to the tables and illustrative material included in it. I declare that the abovementioned article is an original work, is without legal defects, has not been published either in part or as a whole in any language, and is not considered for publication in another journal.

I agree to include the article in scientific databases.

I agree to use contact details and other information indispensable for indexing the journal in scientific databases.



legible signature of the Author submitting the article



*delete as appropriate



Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wydawnictwo „Szermierz”
ISSN: 0867-7441


Literatura i Kultura Popularna
Instytut Filologii Polskiej UWr
plac Nankiera 15b
50-140 Wrocław, Poland

Editor-in-chief: Anna Gemra

Assistant Editor: Adam Mazurkiewicz


  • Erih Plus
  • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA, ProQuest)
  • The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH)
  • ICI Journals Master List