
Tom 21 (2012)

Anton Mrakitsch’ tientalig conversatieboek

Stanisław Prędota

Strony: 117 - 126



The first phrasebook including Polish, Dutch and Hungarian sections is Gazophylacium decem linguarum Europaearum apertum compiled by Christophorus Warmer. It was published in 1691 in Koszyce. The second ten-language phrasebook which includes Dutch and Hungarian parts is Társalkodó Tár tiz nyelv’ számára. Conversations-Cabinet für zehn Sprachen; is was published in Köszeg, near the contemporary Hungarian-Austrian border. Its autor — Anton Mrakitsch 1802–1855 — was a Slovene, who was employed as the last censor in Graz, and then as a secretary of the district board in Bruck. This paper discusses the macro- and microstructure of Mrakitsch’ phrasebook.

Zasady cytowania

Prędota, S. (2013). Anton Mrakitsch’ tientalig conversatieboek. Neerlandica Wratislaviensia, 21, 117–126. Pobrano z