Literatuur & cultuur

Vol. 30 (2020)

De Hongaarse kinderactie 1947–1949. Nederlandse hulp en politiek machtsspel

Pages: 89-99

PDF (Język Polski)


After the First World War, Hungary was in a dire situation. In these troubling conditions, many different countries came to its aid. The first of these countries was the Netherlands. Besides having sent trains full of relief supplies, thousands of Hungarian children were able to stay with foster parents in the Netherlands to recover from war trauma. After the Second World War this charity action was repeated, albeit on a much smaller scale. In both cases politics played a very important role.

Citation rules

Pusztai, G. (2021). De Hongaarse kinderactie 1947–1949. Nederlandse hulp en politiek machtsspel. Neerlandica Wratislaviensia, 30, 89–99.