Review Articles

Vol. 32 (2021)

A writer lost in the mass media land

Pages: 241-245

PDF (Nederlands)


The mass media are a prominent actor in the current debate on literature. In many ways, they contribute to defining its terms and settings, including what is said, whose voice is deemed valid/legitimate, and how it is all done/expressed. The mass media no longer merely mediate; rather, they produce views on and assessments of writers and their work. In his book De literatuur draait door. De schrijver in het mediatijdperk (2019), Sander Bax discusses selected cases of the media presence of well-known Dutch authors and their books to offer an insightful and accurate exploration of the ways in which the mass media influence the debate on literature and literature itself.

Citation rules

Czarnecka, B. (2021). A writer lost in the mass media land. Neerlandica Wratislaviensia, 32, 241–245.