
Vol. 20 (2011)

Vlaamse dagboekexperimenten en de jaren 1960 (en daarna). Enkele zijdelingse bedenkingen

Matthieu Sergier

Pages: 147 - 157

PDF (Język Polski)


Vlaamse dagboekexperimenten en de jaren 1960 en daarna. Enkele zijdelingse bedenkingen

Most of the Flemish authors who are traditionally associated with the so-called experimental movement published diaries in the late 1960s and the 1970s. This article provides some explanation for this generation’s predilection for the diary genre, a proclivity that can also be noticed in the United States of America and Canada. Starting from a discussion on the definition of the diary genre, I use three theses to shed light on this phenomenon. First of all, the fact that the diary genre has historically been considered as a subgenre. Secondly, the diary is a place of freedom and allows a lot of literary experimentation. Finally, the diary is a genre that powerfully defies history and its linearity.

Citation rules

Sergier, M. (2012). Vlaamse dagboekexperimenten en de jaren 1960 (en daarna). Enkele zijdelingse bedenkingen. Neerlandica Wratislaviensia, 20, 147–157. Retrieved from