
Vol. 25 (2015)

„Po co Geert Wilders gra Polakami?”: reakcje na holenderską internetową stronę skarg na polskich imigrantów Meldpunt Polen

Pages: 123 - 144

PDF (Język Polski)


In 2012 the Dutch Freedom Party Partij voor de Vrijheid — PVV launched awebsite where one could report instances of misbehaviour of immigrants from various East European countries. The Poles quickly became the main focus of the site, which has unofficially been labelled Meldpunt Polen Complaints Website Poles. Being apolitical tactic of the PVV leader, Geert Wilders, the provocative website caused aconsiderable commotion within the EU and sparked awave of criticism pointed at the Dutch government. This article seeks to investigate reactions to the website in the Polish press. Apart from expressing outrage and criticism towards the PVV’s initiative, the reactions also shed light on some aspects of Polish self-representation with respect to labour migration which are being outlined here.

Citation rules

Dynarowicz, E. (2016). „Po co Geert Wilders gra Polakami?”: reakcje na holenderską internetową stronę skarg na polskich imigrantów Meldpunt Polen . Neerlandica Wratislaviensia, 25, 123–144. Retrieved from