Vol. 26 (2016)

Published: 18-05-2017

The latest volume of the journal Neerlandica Wratislaviensia presents texts on Dutch literature, culture and language from the past and present. The circle of authors in this volume ranges from Belgium and the Netherlands through Poland and the Czech Republic to Korea and Japan. Topics covered include seventeenth-century  neo-Latin drama from the Southern Netherlands (Michal Czerenkiewicz), the poetry of the Dutch Golden Age (Joanna Kozikowska), the history of the Dutch presence in Japan in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries (Chris Joby), as well as the development and future of modern Dutch (Katarzyna Wiercińska, Wilken Engelbrecht, Milana Baslerová and Denisa Földešiová), translatology (including Krzysztof Kieślowski's presence in Dutch in a contribution by Joke Bossens), and sociolinguistics (Robert de Louw, Muriel Waterlot). Volume 26 is complemented by book reviews devoted to translations of Hugo Grotius' work in Silesian circles and to Dutch linguistics (history of the Dutch language, also in light of the story of the Tower of Babel).