Volume 28 of Neerlandica Wratislaviensia, the oldest Netherlandic scientific journal in Poland, edited by Małgorzata Dowlaszewicz and Jacek Karpinski, contains 16 original scientific articles by Polish and foreign scholars. The volume includes selected texts presented at the Regional Colloquium Neerlandicum "On a Journey", organized by the Department of Dutch Philology at the University of Wrocław in 2017. Text authors take the reader on a unique journey through the colorful world of language (Konvička, Pekelder, Křiž, Rombouts, Štefková, Waterlot, Steurs) and Dutch literature and culture (Engelbrecht, Nijenhuis-Bescher, Kuznik, Đokanović, Sedláčková, Srebnik, Stoicescu, Dimitrova). So it is worth getting your bearings and beginning this fascinating intellectual journey in search of the language, literature and culture of the Low Countries.