
Tom 33 (2022)

Contrastieve analyse van juridische persoonsnamen vanuit morfologisch perspectief

Strony: 117-137

PDF (Nederlands)


In this paper Dutch and Polish personal nouns appearing in legal texts are discussed from a morphological
point of view. The contrastive analysis was based on examples excerpted from the law of succession as presented in the Civil Code of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Poland. The conclusions drawn from this analysis concern the following problems: the motivation of the personal nouns, the structural diff erences between the two legal languages, the productivity of formative models and the (im)possibilities of their translation.

Zasady cytowania

Kuipers, E.-J. (2022). Contrastieve analyse van juridische persoonsnamen vanuit morfologisch perspectief. Neerlandica Wratislaviensia, 33, 117–137.