Fanism encompasses a range of actions undertaken by enthusiasts towards various imagined worlds, which they perceive and engage with in a committed manner. Some of these actions may constitute expressions of collective memory associated with these worlds. The practice of this memory can be seen through activities undertaken in places of imagination, thereby expanding upon Stijn Reijnders’ concept derived from Pierre Nora’s lieux de mémoire. The manifestations of this fannish memoire are observable through imaginotopoi that emerge from places and events located in imagined topographies. This notion, in turn, stems from Stefan Bednarek’s concept of mnemotopoi, i.e. forms of crystallization of imaginations about past events, visible in diverse cultural creations. They can also be sought out of the waking world. The case study analysis will be based on J.K. Rowling’s Potterverse and the dreams experienced by its fans. What distinguishes places of imagination from imagintopoi? And can imagintopoi, like mnemotopoi, be searched for in dreams?
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Forum internetowe fanów,
Patronus, [hasło w:] Harry Potter Wiki, fanowska encyklopedia poświęcona światu Harry’ego Pottera,
Harry Potter — 20. rocznica: Powrót do Hogwartu (Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts), reż. E. Creevy, C. Patterson, J. Pearlman, G. Testi, TV Special, HBO Max 2022.