The article attempts to answer the following question: Can contemporary art, in which artists reach into their intimate dreamworlds, be used as s cornerstone on which a community might grow and flourish? Taking up the issue of building relationships, the author considers aesthetic changes in surrealist art, references, among others, by Cecylia Alemani, the curator of the 59th Venice Biennale in 2022. This reference point made it possible to present the ways in which contemporary artists who engage with the category of intimacy create their “mirror-works.” The process of creating a relationship has been analyzed in the context of the translation procedure. This theory is introduced by reintroducing the concepts of Susanne Langer—a philosopher and one of the leading minds behind the emotional theory of art. This issue was discussed on the example of selected works that were presented at the 2022 Biennale, including the works of Leonora Carrington, as well as the exhibition presented in the French and Polish pavilions.
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