
Vol. 28 No. 2 (2024)

Legislative eco-utopias. Post-anthropocentric revolutions in law

Pages: 87-105

PDF (Język Polski)


The article focuses on legislative projects that conceptualize the human/non-human relationship in a way that is unknown to European legal regulations. Analyzing the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth, the author tries to show that this is a document that can be the basis for constructing new human/non-human communities. Ewa Domańska remarks that “’the new humanities’ attempts to find in art, literature, film, etc.” projects of “realistic and responsible utopias”, which are supposed to be proposals for alternative social systems. By beginning the article with the issue of reading law as cultural texts, the author aims to showcase that such texts can also be seen as prototypes of the utopias Domańska writes about. The article consists of three parts. In the first, the author presents the relationship between legal theory and cultural studies, paying particular attention to the consequences of expanding the methodological field of legal studies to include the assumptions of cultural studies. Then, the category of utopia is discussed. Inspired by the works of Domańska and Magdalena Matysek-Imielińska, the author presents the value of utopian thinking in contemporary culture. The last part of the article deals with the analysis of one of the “legislative eco-utopias”, namely the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth.


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