
Vol. 21 No. 3 (2017)

Dziewczynka i pies. O spotkaniu ciało-w-ciało ze zwierzęciem

Pages: 89 - 106

PDF (Język Polski)


A girl and a dog. On bodily encounters with the animal

In the article the category of the bodily encounter with the animal is presented. This concept is inspired by the Irigarayan notion of “bodily encounter with the mother” and it is developed using an example of the relation between a girl and a dog — two beings so far often excluded from the philosophical inquiries. The author constructs the category of bodily encounter with the animal referring to ideas coined by Luce Irigaray, Rosi Braidotti and Jolanta Brach-Czaina and places the very concept in a broader philosophical context. With reference to the category of bodily encounter with the animal, the author reflects on what is exceptional in the encounter between a girl and a dog, and investigates into the subversive potential of such an encounter and challenges it may pose to the given power relations.