
Tom 53 (2013)

Pamięć paradyzu. Fredrowskie uobecnienia w słowie i milczeniu Profesora Bogdana Zakrzewskiego Szkic do wyobrażonego portretu

Małgorzata Skibińska

Strony: 143 - 152



Memory of paradise. Fredro manifested in the words and silence of Professor Bogdan Zakrzewski an imaginary portrait

The article is a reformulation of a paper delivered in 2012 during a meeting commemorating Prof. Bogdan Zakrzewski. It preserves the reminiscing-confessional nature of the paper, combining elements of a scholarly discourse and subjectivised first-person narrative. The author juxtaposes a synthesis of facts and a description of Prof. Zakrzewski’a achievements in Fredro studies with personal experiences as a reader. An account of a reader of Prof. Zakrzewski’s works becomes a starting point for an attempt to present an “imaginary portrait” of Bogdan Zakrzewski — as a specialist in Fredro studies recorded in the written word. The author focuses on a symbiosis between the scholar and the subject of his study, looking in the analysed works not only for manifestations of Aleksander Fredro, but also, above all, for linguistic traces of the personality and scholarly ethos of Prof. Zakrzewski.