Cooperation between Polish and Ukrainian librarians and the problems of claims. A report for 1990–2010
The article examines the contacts between Polish and Ukrainian libraries as they developed after 1990, when both countries began to reveal and make increasingly available the collections taken over and displaced as a result of WWII. What was particularly important for Polish librarians was access to book collections of Polish origin held by Ukrainian libraries as well as new information about collections that constituted part of Poland’s cultural heritage. On the Polish side, this cooperation involved the National Library and the Ossoliński National Institute in Wrocław, universities and non-governmental organisations. 1996 was marked by the launch of the Polish-Ukrainian Intergovernmental Commission for the Protection and Return of Cultural Goods Lost and Unlawfully Displaced during WWII. Teams dealing with library collections and with Ossolineum were established within the Commission. The last twenty years have seen many joint conferences and research projects, including those dealing with the protection and preservation of various collections. On both sides of the border there have been many publications devoted to polonica in Ukraine and ukrainica in Poland; these include monographs, studies collection catalogues, internet databases, etc. A selection of these publications is presented in two annexes to this article.