In our master's opinion

Vol. 35 (2021)

Expenditure on health care in Poland compared to selected countries in 2010–2019

Pages: 319-332

PDF (Język Polski)


The aim of the study is to evaluate healthcare from the perspective of healthcare expenditure between 2010–2019. The author examined how the level of healthcare expenditure as a share of GDP, as well as per capita developed in the 2010–2019 period. Expenditure on health care grew for most of the 1999–2010 period, but nevertheless stabilized at a level below 7% of GDP in year 2010 and were one of the lowest in OECD countries, also lower than the compared reference countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary). The author explored the topic of healthcare expenditure in the consecutive decade (2010–2019) and made comparisons of international expenditures with those of OECD countries, and in particular with reference countries. Additionally, on the basis of some selected analyzes, he confirms the fact known in health economics that an appropriate level of expenditure on healthcare has a positive impact on the health status of the population and the quality of healthcare offered in a country.



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