
Vol. 38 (2021)

Decontextualization of the interpretive framework “terrorism” and 9/11

Pages: 245-270

PDF (Język Polski)


The starting point of the deliberations is Niklas Luhmann’s mass media conception which states that the media are the fundamental source of knowledge about the world for the contemporary mediatized societies. The media represent and construct particularly those domains of life to which we, as the observers, do not have a direct contact. The author assumed that the concept of ‘terrorism’, through the implied potential of thematic reproduction, is employed with connection with hardly or non-related with terrorism. The article attempts to define the scope of employing the interpretative frames in media and political communication. The author tries to show the role of media in the construction of the frames ‘9/11’ and ‘terrorism’, concentrate on the contexts inwhich two frames are activated, and subsequently answer the question what is the function of such contexts relating to terrorism.