
Vol. 49 (2024)

An alternative look at the role of the Developer Guarantee Fund

Pages: 83-98

PDF (Język Polski)


In 2021, the Law on the Protection of the Rights of the Purchaser of a Dwelling or Single-Family House and the Developer’s Guarantee Fund was enacted . The new statutory solutions are intended to improve the effectiveness of the protection of buyers of residential units or single-family houses making such transactions with the developer, improve the security of legal transactions with an increase in the level of acceptance of the regulation on the part of entrepreneurs. The article reviews the means of protection offered to purchasers of residential units or single-family houses under the Development Law with particular emphasis on the security offered under the Developer Guarantee Fund and the situation related to the insolvency of the developer. The author presents an alternative and expanded concept of the use of funds from the Developer Guarantee Fund.


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