Artykuły naukowe

Tom 26 (2018)

Nieuczciwa i zakazana reklama skierowana do seniorów

Strony: 149 - 172



Problem of unfair and inadmissible advertising addressed to seniors

The aim of this work is presenting main aspects of the problem of unfair and inadmissible advertising addressed to elders. The author presents the concept of advertising as well as the regulations concerning it in applicable provisions of Polish, European and international law, focusing mainly on characteristics of unfair and inadmissible advertising. Main part of work is the presentation of elders as a specific group of consumers who are particularly exposed to unlawful business practices. As an example of it the author points out the cases of unfair and inadmissible advertising which are the subject of proceedings before the Office for Competition and Consumer Protection. The author also presents the commonly used unlawful business practices directed against elders. The culmination of this work is an indication what steps can be taken by elders so as not to become a victim of unfair and inadmissible advertising.