Literatury Słowiańszczyzny południowej

Tom 168 (2019)

Śmierć, nieobecność i samotność — motyw traumatyzującej utraty matki w zbiorze opowiadań Lejli Kalamujić Zovite me Esteban

Anna Modelska-Kwaśniowska

Strony: 595 - 605



Death, absence and loneliness: The motive of a traumatizing loss of a mother in the collection of stories Call me Esteban by Lejla Kalamujić

Lejla Kalamujić born 1980 is a Bosnian writer from Sarajevo and the author of two collections of stories: Anatomy of a Smile 2009 and Call me Esteban 2015.
The paper presents the autobiographical stories collected in the second book, in which the most important theme is death, especially the premature death of a mother. The aim of the article is to show the motive of the loss of a mother. The writer uses first-person narration and the protagonist is a woman named Lejla, a type of alter ego for her. The stories are written from different points of view and from different time perspectives.
The intertextual themes in the book are the most interesting ones and have real artistic value there are references to be Almodóvar, Márquez, Kafka, Bishop, Miljkovic and others. The writer has a way of writing about the pain connected with death that is useful for experiencing belated mourning.



Smrt, odsutnost i samoća – motiv traumatizarijućeg gubitka majke u zbirci priča Lejle Kalamujić Zovite me Esteban

Lejla Kalamujić rođ. 1980 je sarajevska spisateljica koja je dosad objavila dve knjige pripovedaka: Anatomija osmijeha 2009 i Zovite me Esteban 2015. U centru pažnje ovog članka nalazi se njena druga knjiga i glavni motiv gubitka majke, dakle i majčinog odsustva u kćerkinom životu.
Kalamujićeve kratke priče pre svega karakteriše autobiografizam, a jedna od njenih glavnih tema je smrt. Spisateljica koristi naraciju u prvom licu, narratorka se zove isto kao i ona, Lejla, zatim može se reći da je autoričin alter ego. Kalamujić opisuje svoja životna iskustva bez majke iz različitih vremenskih perspektiva, zbog čega u jednoj priči ponekad vidimo zajedno perspektivu devojčice i odrasle žene.
Najinteresantnije teme u knjizi su intertekstualne ima reference na Markesa, Kafku, Bišopa, Miljkovića i dr. koje su pomoćna metoda pisanja o boli zbog smrti i korisne su doživljavanje zakasnele žalosti.

Zasady cytowania

Modelska-Kwaśniowska, A. (2019). Śmierć, nieobecność i samotność — motyw traumatyzującej utraty matki w zbiorze opowiadań Lejli Kalamujić Zovite me Esteban. Slavica Wratislaviensia, 168, 595–605.