
Vol. 24 (2018)

W sprawie dopuszczalności zakazu reelekcji wójta burmistrza, prezydenta miasta po piastowaniu urzędu przez dwie kadencje

Krzysztof Skotnicki

Pages: 7 - 17

PDF (Język Polski)



On the admissibility of the ban on the re-election of the mayor city president after holding office for two terms

Te principle of direct election of mayors presidents of cities has been in force in Poland since 2002. At the same time, the idea of limiting the possibility of holding office for two terms has started. The analysis leads the author to the conclusion that in view of the laconic nature of the constitutional regulation of local elec­tions, such solution cannot be considered as contrary to the Constitution. The decision about who will act as the executive body of the commune should, however, belong to the inhabitants of the local government.