Principles of publication ethics

The Editorial Committee selects the submitted scientific articles in accordance with the principles and ethical standards recommended by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Guidelines of the National Science Center regarding research integrity and applying for research funding) and COPE (COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors). Authors, editors and reviewers undertake to follow ethical principles at every stage of the publication of the text.


1. Duties of the Authors

The specificity of articles

The articles submitted by the authors should correspond to the subject matter of the journal Neerlandica Wratislaviensia, which publishes texts on the language, literature and history of the Netherlands.

Scientific reliability

Authors of articles are required to present a reliable, original and objective interpretation of the research results in the submitted articles, which will be verifiable by other people: reviewers and readers of the article.

The originality of the text

Authors of articles may submit for publication only their own texts that have not been published or submitted for publication in another journal, monograph or collective work.

The use of research results, statements or data from other sources should be annotated or included in the text in the form of a quotation (according to the guidelines presented in stylesheet).

Authors are obliged to present all source materials used in the work in accordance with the journal's guidelines (lay-out and stylesheet).

Plagiarism (e.g. presenting another author's work as one's own, paraphrasing fragments of other works without a footnote, using other people's research results without indicating the source) and fabricating or falsifying data are unethical and therefore unacceptable.

Reliability of sources

Authors should refer to publications that in a concrete and significant way relate to the issue examined in the article, influence the content of the work and the conclusions presented in it, and give it an appropriate context within a broader scientific discussion. Information obtained unofficially (conversation, correspondence with the participation of third parties) may not be used in the text without the written consent of these persons.

Authorship of the article

The author is obliged to provide information about the sources of financing the publication, contributions from third parties, institutions or other entities (financial disclosure), especially if the text was created as a result of cooperation under a research project.

The author is obliged to provide information about persons or institutions that contributed substantive contributions to the article (linguistic proofreading, translation, illustrative material, etc.). These persons or institutions should be listed in a footnote, their contribution should be specified, and affiliation should be indicated in the case of university employees.

The author of the publication is obliged to disclose the contribution of individual authors to the text (including their affiliation), with the author submitting the manuscript being the main responsibility for the article.

Ghostwriting (a situation where a third party has made a significant contribution to the creation of a publication, without disclosing its participation as one of the authors or without indicating its role in the acknowledgments contained in the publication) and guest authorship (a situation where the author's participation is negligible or did not take place at all) and yet he is indicated as the author / co-author of the publication) are considered to be a manifestation of scientific dishonesty and dishonesty.

All forms of plagiarism or self-plagiarism (multiple publication of own works or their fragments as new texts, without providing relevant information) are unacceptable. The author of the article bears the legal consequences of dishonesty and scientific misconduct.

Along with the article, the author sends a signed declaration that: he is familiar with the rules applicable to the authors; the article has not been submitted for printing or published in another journal, monograph or collective work; the submitted article contains information on the financing of research by domestic and foreign persons or institutions. The author declares that he is responsible for the scientific accuracy of the submitted text.

Error notification

In the event of a material error or inaccuracy in his / her own article, the author is obliged to notify the editor of the volume / journal and to cooperate with him in order to correct the text if he deems it necessary. If the editor learns from a third party that a published work contains an error, it is the author's responsibility to cooperate with the editor to clarify or correct the error.

The author is responsible for any breaches of the above ethical principles.

2. Duties of the Editorial Committee

Publication decisions

The Editorial Committee takes the final decision on the publication of texts submitted to the journal, taking into account the opinions of internal and external reviewers. The evaluation criteria are: compliance of the text with the journal's profile, the substantive level of the article and its originality.

The evaluation of the article is formulated on the basis of the substantive content. Criteria such as: race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, political views of the author, as well as personal relationship with the author do not affect the evaluation of the article.

Cooperation of the Editorial Committee with authors and reviewers

The Editorial Committee indicates to all persons involved in the article publication process (authors, editors and reviewers) the need to act in accordance with the principles of ethics.

Editorial Committee:

  1. ensures that the evaluation process is fair, objective and impartial;
  2. selects internal and external reviewers who have appropriate specialist knowledge in a given field and do not conflict with the author of the article.

The editor-in-chief and the editor belonging to the Editorial Committee may not make decisions regarding the articles of which he is the author or texts written by family members. These articles follow the journal's standard procedures.


The Editorial Committee's activities are confidential. No information on the content of articles, the identity of authors and reviewers is shared with anyone outside the Editorial Committee.

Information (e.g. description and results of research, data, statements) not published so far, and presented in the submitted article are treated as confidential and may not be used in the editor-in-chief and editors belonging to the Editorial Committee without the written consent of the author of the article.

Scientific reliability

The Editorial Committee undertakes activities aimed at ensuring a high scientific level of published articles as well as their scientific reliability and honesty.

The Editorial Committee notes all manifestations of scientific misconduct, especially breaking and violating the rules of ethics in force in science (including ghostwriting, guest authorship, plagiarism).

From 2023 all submissions to Neerlandica Wratislaviensia are screened for plagiarism using the iThenticate plagiarism detection software. All suspicions of scientific misconduct and dishonesty are verified by the Editorial Committee following procedures in accordance with the Comittee on Publication Ethics (COPE) charts, available on the website:

Detected cases of scientific misconduct and dishonesty will be unmasked, including notification of relevant entities (institutions employing authors, scientific societies, associations of scientific editors, editorial offices of scientific journals, universities, etc.).

The Editorial Committee may publish an appropriate rectification, correction, explanation or apology as appropriate.

3. Duties of the reviewers

The texts submitted for publication are subject to an internal review (made by members of the Editorial Committee) and (after internal approval) by two external reviewers on the basis of a double blind peer review (the author and external reviewers do not know their identities). If necessary, after consulting the Editorial Committee, a third reviewer is consulted. This applies to a situation where the evaluation of a given article is ambiguous. The Editorial Committee makes the final decision on whether to accept the text for publication or to reject it.

The review is formalized: external reviewers fill in the mandatory form submitted with the article for review by the Editorial Committee (the review form is also available for download at

Contribution to publication decisions

Reviews are an important element of scientific communication and influence the final shape of articles, helping authors improve their texts. Opinions expressed in them thus influence the publishing decisions of the Editorial Committee.


Both external and internal reviewers (selected by the editor-in-chief or the editor of the volume) are required to give their opinion on the text within the time limit set by the Editorial Committee. This deadline should be clearly defined and matched to the journal's publishing plan.

The reviewer should immediately notify the Editorial Committee of any deadlines or the impossibility of preparing a review.


All articles and their reviews are treated as confidential documents. Reviewers are not allowed to disclose the content of reviews or information about articles to unauthorized persons. The review report is delivered to the authors by the editorial secretary. In the same way, the possible authors' answers are communicated to the reviewers.

Unpublished information presented in the article submitted for review (e.g. description and results of research, data, statements) are treated as confidential and may not be used in the reviewer's own publications without the written consent of the author of the article.

Standards of objectivity

The text should be assessed objectively, and the comments or suggestions supported by clear arguments. Criticism resulting from personal or other reasons not related to the substantive evaluation of the text is unacceptable.

The following criteria should be taken into account when assessing the text: compliance of the article with the profile of the journal, originality of the research presented in the text, clear argumentation, the possibility of verifying the research results, linguistic correctness.


The rules of ethics were developed on the basis of:

  1. COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors:
  2. Responsible Journals:
  3. Elsevier's Ethics Policy:
  4. Ethics of the journal Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis Slavica Wratislaviensia:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wydawnictwo „Szermierz”
ISSN: 0860-0716


Katedra Filologii Niderlandzkiej
Uniwersytet Wrocławski
ul. Kuźnicza 22
50-138 Wrocław, Poland

Editorial secretary: Joanna Skubisz

Editorial secretary: Zuzanna Czerwonka-Wajda


  • Erih Plus
  • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA, ProQuest)
  • The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH)