
Vol. 28 No. 1 (2024)

Wrocław—landscapes of memory

Pages: 37-49

PDF (Język Polski)


In this paper I reflect on the memory of Wrocław, which has a dual nature: firstly, it is transmitted by people, and secondly, it is anchored in the city space. The city has its own memory, it is a sphere of constant conflict: places redolent with their own history, carrying memory and non-places, deprived of temporality and therefore also of memory. Places deprived of temporality influence their inhabitants not through the authenticity of being a place, but through the credible simulation of a place in a non-place designed by contemporary architects. In addition to the memory of individuals there is also a collective memory of the city, expressed in many mnemotopoi. For example mnemotopos of the Western Territories as the Wild West, which is connected with (and in many respects penetrates) the mnemotopos of the treasure.


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