Artykuły i materiały

Tom 53 (2009)

O trudnych problemach ostatecznego opracowania i udostępnienia "wydania III" "Bibliografi i dzieł Jana Kochanowskiego". Komunikat

Joanna Krauze-Karpińska

Strony: 173 - 186



On the difficult problems related to the ultimate compilation of “edition III” of Bibliography of Jan Kochanowski’s works.  A communiqué

In the 1980s the Institute of Literary Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences initiated the compilation of a full biography of separate and non-separate editions of the poet’s work from the 16th century to the present day. This work continued until 2000 but was not completed. The present article deals with the “old” part of the bibliography editions of Kochanowski’s works published between the 16th and the 18th centuries, which was planned as the third, updated version of Kazimierz Piekarski’s pre-war Bibliography. The authors of this part, the late Krystyna and Władysław Korotaj, compiled it on the basis of a survey sent to all libraries in Poland as well as many libraries abroad, asking them about the current holdings of early editions of Jan Kochanowski’s works, and on the basis of the authors’ own research and examination of copies recorded earlier. The new bibliography, kept at the Institute of Literary Studies in the form of a computer printout, expands the chronological scope to the end of the 18th century and includes, apart from separate editions of Kochanowski’s works, books by other authors containing or quoting Kochanowski’s writings in their entirety or in fragments. The bibliographic description was expanded to include a full list of the position of all signatures in all editions of Kochanowski’s works and a detailed description of all provenance marks of various copies. The bibliography also takes into account findings of post-war literature on the subject. As a result, we now have a bigger number of known editions of Kochanowski’s works especially David’s Psalter. The new bibliography lists about 1040 copies from the 16th and 17th centuries thus more than the pre-war compilation, and includes their current catalogue numbers in Polish and foreign libraries. This makes it possible to enumerate war losses in various libraries and in many cases – to follow the fate of specific copies. Unfortunately, the bibliography has never been finished; moreover, some descriptions still need to be completed and corrected.