Artykuły i materiały

Tom 57 (2013)

Wydawnicze losy twórczości Juliusza Słowackiego w latach 1830–1914

Małgorzata Rowicka

Strony: 45 - 76




The aim of the article is to examine the edition of Juliusz Słowacki’s works in the partition period from the poet’s initial offering to the outbreak of the First World War. At that time Słowacki was considered to be the greatest Polish playwright, and Polish poet second only to Adam Mickiewicz. In the analysed period at least 282 editions of Słowacki’s works were published in 401 volumes. Over half of them were published in Galicia mainly in Lvov, Zolochiv and Kraków, nearly one-third in the territories annexed by Russia mainly in Warsaw, one in eight abroad primarily in Paris and Leipzig and one in fifty in the Prussian provinces. The most active popularisers of Słowacki’s oeuvre included such companies as Księgarnia Polska, Gubrynowicz & Schmidt, Zukerkandls, Michał Arct and Gebethner & Wolff. Initially, Słowacki’s works were published mainly abroad. Domestic output was boosted in the 1880s mainly in Galicia, especially after the 1905 Revolution in the Kingdom of Poland. An important role in this was played by the poet’s jubilees. In the late 19th century the first critical editions began to appear, though a vast majority of editions were published as part of series, especially inexpensive series intended for mass readership.