Artykuły i materiały
Projekt badawczy życiorysów czytelniczych — jego zaplecze i rezultaty, stosunek do biografistyki. Myślenie narracyjne i lektura, opowieść biografi czna. Potencjał życiorysów czytelniczych.
Between 2007 and 2013 the author carried out extensive statistical surveys of reading in the Czech Republic, the results of which were published successively in 2008, 2011 and 2014. At the same time, between 2009 and 2015 he collected 138 life stories of readers from across the country, representative of the various generations as well as social and professional groups. This material has made it possible to distinguish and describe four generations of readers: 15–24, 25–44, 45–64 and over 65, and to point to key phenomena concerning Czech readers — specific works and authors as well as attitudes to reading in general.
The concept of life stories, a unique variety of biographies, on the one hand is based on a chronological interview script, the objective of which is to reconstruct the development of specific readers, and on the other it provides for a degree of freedom and spontaneity of expression, which also reveal an emotional attitude to reading. Another important feature is a strong historical and social context of reading across society. Sources produced as a result significantly complement typical memoirs and letters, which feature reading-related themes, as well as statistical surveys.