Articles and materials
The significance of Professor Kazimiera Maleczyńska’s research for the Museum of Papermaking in Duszniki-Zdrój
In the 1950s Kazimiera Maleczyńska, as one of the first scholars after WWII , began to study the history of papermaking in Silesia, eventually writing the book Dzieje starego papiernictwa śląskiego [The History of Old Papermaking in Silesia] Wrocław 1961. To this day it is the most complete work on the history of papermaking in Silesia from the 15th to the 19th century, containing, among others, a lot of information about the Duszniki paper mill. Inspired by Kazimiera Maleczyńska, the Museum of Papermaking in Duszniki began to collect sheets of paper with water marks. Today, the collection has over 5000 items and is the biggest collection of watermarked paper in Poland. In 1968, using Kazimiera Maleczyńska’s materials, the Museum organised an exhibition illustrating the history of papermaking in Silesia, an exhibition that survived nearly 30 years with just minor changes. Kazimiera Maleczyńska’s scholarly achievements help the Duszniki museum staff to disseminate knowledge of papermaking history, and constitute a basis of further historical research and editions of publications devoted to the Duszniki paper mill.