Basic information

I. General remarks 

  1. Please submit your texts and attached illustrative materials in an electronic format to:
  2. Only the texts that have not been published before are accepted for publication in Roczniki Biblioteczne.
  3. The journal publishes texts in the Polish and English languages; texts in other languages are accepted if arranged in advance with the Editors.
  4. The texts submitted to the section “Articles and Materials” are peer-reviewed by specialists. See Peer review process.
  5. A text submitted for publication in the “Articles and Materials” section should be anonymised, i.e. it must not contain any information which could reveal the identity of its author to the reviewers (especially the names and surnames of the authors and their contact details). Any information which may reveal the author’s identity (e.g. acknowledgements or information about a grant) should be added only after discussing it with the editors, after the successful completion of the review process.  

  6. Research articles, source materials and scientific review articles must not exceed 60,000 characters including spaces; book reviews and reports must not exceed 20,000 characters including spaces.
  7. The structure of a research article should be clear and comply with the general requirements for research papers, from the introduction of research problems through the description of the article’s aim and the employed methodology of research to final conclusions.
  8. Individual sections should be titled.
  9. Articles and materials should contain:
  • a table of contents,
  • an abstract written by the Author,
  • 5 keywords
  • a reference list (including only the works referred to in the text) – for more detailed guidelines see V. The APA stylesheet – general guidelines and VI. List of references below.
  1. The abstract should provide information on the research topic, the aim, the theoretical-methodological framework and the major findings of the article.
  2. The reviewed books (with some justified exceptions) should be published within the last two years preceding the writing of the review. The title of the review should describe the reviewed book, e.g.:

Walter Crane, O zdobnictwie książek dawnych i nowych, Katarzyna Krzak-Weiss (ed.), Kraków: Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych „Universitas”, 2018, 340 pp., ill.

  1. Scientific review articles (minimum 20,000 characters including spaces, with numerous references and substantial bibliography) should be given their own titles, e.g.:

A few comments on Katalog druków XVI wieku z historycznej kolekcji Ossolineum 

  1. With the Author’s consent, the Editors reserve the right to edit and shorten their text if suitable for publication.
  2. The Author is to provide their proof corrections within seven days after receiving their edited text. If the Author does not send their proof-corrected text back to the Editors within seven days, the Editors will assume that the Author agrees with all the introduced editorial changes and will publish it.
  3. If an article has been written by more than one Author, please provide the Editors with the names of all Co-Authors and their affiliations as well as the information on their contributions in percentage (ghostwriting or guest authorship are forbidden).
  4. The Author is responsible for matters relating to the copyright and publishing rights. For any article submitted for publication the Author must hold the copyright and property right to the text, which must be free from any legal complications. It is also necessary that the submission, or any of its parts, has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration for publication elsewhere. The act of submission is the Author’s declaration of consent to the publicationwithout payment,of their text in Roczniki Biblioteczne and its distribution that is unlimited in time or territory, including the distribution of the paid and free copies of the journal on the market as well as on the Internet.
  5. The Editors and the Publisher do not charge the Author for having their text published in Roczniki Biblioteczne.
  6. The Editors and the Publisher do not pay any royalties to the Author. 


II. The required information and documents

  1. The submitted text should contain the following information about its Author(s): their first name and family name, affiliation, ORCID number, postal address, e-mail address, and, if the work has been financed, also the name of the institution funding the project and this project’s number.
  2. The Author is obliged to provide the Editors with the scanned signed Author contribution statement concerning their article submitted for publication in Roczniki Biblioteczne and determining the percentage of individual Authors’ contribution to the submitted text if it has been written by more than one Author.
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wydawnictwo „Szermierz”
ISSN: 0080-3626
e-ISSN: 2720-1023


Instytut Nauk o Informacji i Mediach Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
50-137 Wrocław
pl. Uniwersytecki 9/13


  • DOAJ
  • Erih Plus
  • The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Book History Online