
I. The APA stylesheet – general guidelines

  1. Footnotes with bibliographic descriptions are not used. Footnotes are used only to introduce some additional information, e.g. necessary explanations, including references to additional research works and sources.
  2. The APA style consists of two elements: in-text citations in the body of the paper and a reference list at the end of the paper giving full bibliographic details for in-text citations (see VI. List of references below).
  3. Please use parentheses for the in-text citation, which consists of the family name(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication, e.g. (Głowacka, 2015), and sometimes a page number, e.g. (Głowacka, 2015, p. 25). Page numbers should be provided if the quoted or paraphrased material appears in specific pages of the cited work. Commas should be used between the family name of the author, the year of publication and a page number.
  4. When citing more than one source within the same parentheses, list all the sources in alphabetical order and separate each with a semicolon, e.g. (Choptiany, 2014; Korczyńska-Derkacz, 2010).
  5. If more than one work by the same author are cited, the years of publication of all of them should be provided in chronological order, e.g. (Migoń, 1984, 2004). If more than one work by the same author and published in the same year are referred to, arrange these works in alphabetical order in the reference list taking into consideration the first letters of their titles (excluding articles at the beginning) and use lower-case letters (a, b, c) with the year. Use the same lower-case letters with the year in the in-text citations.
  6. If the name of the author of the cited work appears in the main text, please provide only the year of publication (and, if necessary, page number(s)) within parentheses, e.g. Głowacka (2015) says…
  7. If the cited work is by more than one author, please separate their family names in parentheses with commas, e.g. (Bieńkowska, Chamerska, 1987).
  8. If the cited work has between three and five authors, please include the names of all of them the first time their work is referred to, e.g. (Biernacka-Licznar, Jamróz-Stolarska, Paprocka, 2018), and use “et al.” in the following in-text citations, e.g. (Biernacka-Licznar et al., 2018).
  9. If the cited work has six or more authors, provide the family name of its first author and add “et al.”. Note: In the reference list entry provide the names of all the authors in the order in which they appear on the title page of the work.
  10. If more than one author holds the same family name, please provide the initials of their first names within parentheses even if the years of publication of their works differ.
  11. If the cited work has no author, please use the first few words of its title and the year of publication within parentheses.
  12. The titles of online catalogues and databases should be provided in the main text and these sources should not be included in the reference list (unless there is a separate list of sources added to the text of the article).


II. List of references 

  • The abbreviations used in each bibliographical description included in the list of references should be in the language of the quoted work, e.g.: red., ed., dir., W, In., Dans.
  • If the cited work is printed in an alphabet other than Latin, its description should be provided as transliterated into Latin characters according to the rules of the ISO transliteration system.
  • If the cited work comes from the Internet, please provide its digital object identifier (DOI), and if this is unavailable, its Uniform Resource Locator (URL), i.e. its web address.



Głowacka, E. (2015). Kultura oceny w bibliotekach. Obszary, modele i metody badań jakości zasobów oraz usług biblioteczno-informacyjnych. Toruń: Wydawnictwo UMK.

Repucho, E., Bierkowski, T. (2018). Typografia dla humanistów. O złożonych problemach projektowania edycji naukowych. Warszawa: Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich.

Zybert, E. B., Grabowska, D., (Red.). (2008). Książka, biblioteka, informacja w kręgu kultury i edukacji. Warszawa: Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich.


Chapters in edited books

Korczyńska-Derkacz, M. (2010). Książki szkodliwe politycznie, czyli akcja „oczyszczania” księgozbiorów bibliotek szkolnych, pedagogicznych i publicznych w latach 1947–1956. W: D. Degen, J. Gzella (Red.), Niewygodne dla władzy. Ograniczanie wolności słowa na ziemiach polskich w XIX i XX wieku (ss. 333–356). Toruń: Wydawnictwo UMK.

Debray, R. (1996). The book as symbolic object. In: G. Nunberg (Ed.), The Future of the Book (pp. 139–152). Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Perrot, J. (1998). L’édition pour la jeunesse de l’écrit aux écrans. Dans: P. Fouché (Dir.), Histoire de l’édition française, Vol. 4, L’Edition française depuis 1945 (pp. 227–249). Paris: Cercle de la Librairie.


Journal articles

Choptiany, M. (2014). „Orator futurus”. Fabiana Birkowskiego lektura Ciceronianusa Pierre’a de la Ramée. Roczniki Biblioteczne, 58, 3–26.

Rane-Szostak, D., Herth, K. A. (1995). Pleasure reading, other activities, and loneliness in later life. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 30(2), 100–108.

Sordylowa, B., (1989). Wzajemne relacje pomiędzy dyscyplinami: informacja naukowa, bibliologia, bibliotekoznawstwo. Przegląd Biblioteczny, 57(4), 309–315.


Electronic sources accessible locally

Senatorski, P. (Red.). (1996). Encyklopedia multimedialna PWN [CD-ROM], edycja 1996, wersja 1.01. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.

Kopaliński, W. (1998). Słownik wyrazów obcych i obcojęzycznych [CD-ROM], Wersja 1.3. Warszawa: PRO-media CD.


Internet sources – books and articles

Żółkiewska, S. (2016). Appetyt na applikacje. Praktyczny przewodnik. Warszawa: Fundacja Orange.

Jemielniak, D. (2020). Thick Big Data: Doing Digital Social Sciences. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Nahotko, M. (2015). Czytanie z perspektywy teorii gatunków tekstu, Biuletyn EBIB, (159).

Matysek, A., Tomaszczyk, J. (2020). Digital Wisdom in Research Work. Zagadnienia Informacji Naukowej, 58(2), 98–113.

Tahkokallio, J. (2019). Counting Scribes: Quantifying the Secularization of Medieval Book Production. Book History, 22, 1–42.


Other Internet sources – blogs, portals, social media, websites etc.

Kulczycki, E. (2015). Ranking czasopism, redakcje, które odegrały kluczową rolę w kategoryzacji jednostek, Warsztat Badacza.

Zieliński, M. (2013, 29 grudnia). Digitalizacja a cyfryzacja, Archiwistyka. http://www.

Brantley, P. (2015). E-books: Product or Service? Digital Spotlight 2015, Publishers Weekly.

Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich. (2020, 23 września). Język migowy umożliwia ludziom wyrażanie siebie, porozumiewanie się z innymi osobami oraz uczestniczenie we wszystkich aspektach życia ekonomicznego, społecznego, kulturalnego. Facebook.


Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wydawnictwo „Szermierz”
ISSN: 0080-3626
e-ISSN: 2720-1023


Instytut Nauk o Informacji i Mediach Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
50-137 Wrocław
pl. Uniwersytecki 9/13


  • DOAJ
  • Erih Plus
  • The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Book History Online